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DROWYEK 是由 冯昊 与 毕振宇(aka.In_K)于2017年成立的新媒体艺术组合,囊括了视听表演和互动数字影像装置等形式。曾经在北京今日美术馆.ZIP新媒体艺术展、深圳未来城市艺术节、成都.ZIP新媒体艺术展、赤水音乐节等大型活动上出现他们的表演和作品。


DROWYEK is a multi-media art duo formed by Feng Hao and Bi Zhengyu(aka.In_K) of audio-visual performance and interactive digital video installation established in 2017. They have presented their performances and works in such large-scale events as Today Art Museum, .ZIP RELEASE THE FUTURE New Media Art Exhibition, Shenzhen C-FUTURE Festival, Chengdu UNZIP THE FUTURE New Media Art Exhibition, Chishui Music Festival and so on.

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